Friday, January 30, 2015

10 Healthiest Paleo Foods

10 Healthiest Paleo Foods

Broccoli - Broccoli is one of the healthiest foods you can eat on any diet plan, including the Paleo diet. It will provide you with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and even some protein. Always choose organic.

Chicken Breast - Boneless, skinless chicken breast is loaded with protein, and is low in fat, not that we’re counting fat grams on Paleo. Free range or pasture raised is always the best.

Salmon - You’ll get a big boost in omega-3s from one serving of salmon, as well as tons of protein. Most health experts recommend eating it a few times a week, which is totally in line with the Paleo plan. Try it baked with fresh herbs and lemon.  When buying any fish look for wild caught.

Kale - This may be one of the trendier vegetables these days, but that shouldn’t deter you from eating it, as it contains plenty of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and some protein Kale chips are arguably the tastiest way to eat kale. Always organic whenever possible.

Apples - Nothing forbidden about this fruit. Apples are one of the healthier foods you can eat, and there are a recommended fruit on the Paleo diet. Try them every which way you can think of.

Almonds - Almonds provide a satisfying crunch, plenty of healthy fats, and fiber to help your digestion. Raw almonds or nuts are the best.

Grass-fed Beef - Keep your beef lean and you’ll be getting a high-quality protein and plenty of minerals without as much fat and cholesterol. 90% lean is a good place to be if you go the ground beef route.

Spinach - This should be your leafy green of choice, and can be used in a number of ways. The easiest way to consume? Add it to a smoothie to make it green and boost your intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Organic and non GMO.

Olive Oil - You’ll get plenty of healthy fats when you use olive oil. It will likely end up being your go-to oil for Paleo cooking.  When buying olive oil try and get virgin olive oil. You can also use coconut oil as well.

Beets - There’s a specific antioxidant in beets called betalains, and these are pretty much exclusive to beets, making them an important part of your Paleo meal plan. Think organic or fresh from a farm stand when purchasing your vegetables.

New information is available on other websites. I make no claims that this information is the most up to date. Please do further research for yourself.

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