Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Todays Quick Health Note- Nutritional Benefits of Grass fed Meats

Nutritional Benefits of Grass fed Meat

There are many reasons why you should include red meat in your diet, especially if you are sourcing it from a grass-fed cow. In fact, it has been found that red meat is one of the most nutritious types of food that can be eaten. It is loaded with minerals, vitamins, and protein, and it can contribute to many aspects of your overall health.

Grass-fed meat has even higher nutritional properties compared with conventionally raised meat. High quality red meat provides important nutrients, including

  • Niacin (Vitamin B3)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Vitamin B6

Additionally, grass-fed meat is a great source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. It has been found that conventionally raised red meat is lacking in these important fatty acids. This healthy fatty acid profile is difficult to find in other types of food, but it is important for overall health and wellness.

Why Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are so Important

It has been found that imbalanced ratios of omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids can have a direct impact on inflammation levels within the body. Many people are running into chronic health issues that are rooted in these inflammatory problems.
If the ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids is greater than 4:1, then the risk of these chronic health problems increases. Many people consume way too many omega-6’s and not enough omega-3’s, because the Standard American Diet is filled with many sources of omega-6’s. For example, many types of grains and other processed foods provide your body with omega-6’s, which increases your ratio and in turn increases your risk of chronic health problems.

Grain-fed, conventionally raised cows have been found to have a ratio of 20:1 omega-6’s to omega-3’s. In comparison, grass-fed beef has a better ratio of 3:1. You can see that it is quite the drastic difference depending on the way the animal was raised and the type of food that the cow was consuming. To put it simply, grass-fed red meat is high in the protective fats that can enhance your health. At the same time, grass-fed red meat is also low in the types of fat that can have a negative impact on your health and lead to disease.

When you are getting enough of the omega-3 essential fatty acids that are needed and you are decreasing your consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, it helps to balance the overall ratio that you are consuming. This healthier pattern of higher omega-3’s and lower omega-6’s reduces the overall inflammation in your body. As the inflammation is reduced, it also reduces the risk of some of these chronic health problems:

  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
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