Friday, March 27, 2015

5 worst food to eat while following the Paleo lifestyle

5 Worst Foods
1. Soda: Sodas are perhaps the worst offenders. For starters, they are loaded with sugar, one of the items you are trying to reduce while doing Paleo. Most sodas and colas are made with High Fructose Corn Syrup, so you are not just getting sugar, you’re getting an ultra sweetener that was developed in the last 100 years. It contains GMOs and it is 180 degrees from what Paleo stands for. It is easily one of the worst things to consume while on Paleo or any other time in your life.

2. Bread: Most conventionally made bread you find is not Paleo friendly. In fact, breads will set you back on your progress with Paleo. The problem is it is everywhere, which is why it is important to start making your own meals because you will be hard-pressed to find places that have Paleo-friendly meals. You can bake your own bread it is not the end of the world if bread has become one of your favorite foods.

3. Pasta: Pasta is loaded with carbohydrates. Pastas are made from wheat or some other grain. The Paleo lifestyle works by excluding these types of foods. It is easy enough to replace it with a spaghetti squash or zucchini spirals. This gives you a serving of vegetables while at the same time saving you from a carb bomb in the form of a pile of pasta.

4. Fried Food: You do not have to give up fried foods on Paleo; you just have to fry them in the right oil. Unless you are the one that is doing the frying, you are probably not going to find a fried food out there that you should have. The majority of oils sold in stores and used at restaurants and fast food places are not Paleo friendly. Seek out Paleo approved oils and use them in your cooking.

5. Fast Food: Almost every form of fast food goes against the grain of the Paleo philosophy. It is like getting a little bit of everything you are not supposed to be eating. Low-grade, conventional meat is used regardless if you are having beef, chicken, or pork. You will likely get a serving of fried potatoes as a side dish, the potatoes loaded with GMOs and fried in a unhealthy oil. To complete the meal you will be given a giant soda, and we have already seen why soda is something you should totally avoid.

Information is always changing. I make no claim that this information is the most up to date. Please do your own research.