Wednesday, February 4, 2015

7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Diet

7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Diet

Today many of us eat foods we believe to be healthy. But really, just because it says it’s good for you doesn’t always mean it’s good for you.
As a conscious shopper, simply being more aware of what goes into our foods can help us avoid foods we mistake for healthy. But don’t be mislead foods that are seemingly “healthy foods” aren’t always healthy.
Believe it or not, words like “natural” or “fat free” indicate nothing about a food’s nutritional value. With that in mind, here are seven foods that seem healthy but have a hidden agenda. They’re just not that healthy:
Wrap sandwiches
Don’t be fooled into thinking wrap sandwiches are healthier because the shell is “thinner.” These shells have more calories than you could imagine. If you were to unravel the thin wrap shell, you’ll be surprised at how large they really are In fact, some wraps have equivalent carbohydrates and fat to three slices of bread spread with butter.

Make sure your wraps are filled with healthy veggies and lean proteins, and then cut the wrap in half before you roll it up.
Fruit Smoothies
It’s crucial to pay attention to the ingredients in smoothies. They should only contain the basics: fresh fruit, ice and 100 percent juice. Remember, with ingredients, less is more.

A better option: make them yourself at home. It’s quick, cheap, easy and so much better for you.
Yogurts are full of calcium and probiotics so you would think they should be good for you, right? Unfortunately, most varieties are unhealthy choices — laden with sugar and fat. Greek-style yogurts are a healthier choice. They are higher in protein, lower in sugar and keep us full longer.

A healthy alternative is buying plain yogurt and simply adding fresh fruit on top.
Granola is suppose to be natural and healthy but, in reality, granola has added sugars and is fattening.

Granola bars and granola cereals are also high in fat and sugar. They may seem like a healthier choice to store-bought cookies, but most are full of high fructose corn syrup and sugars also and are not very filling.
Look for granola bars that are high in fiber, they will keep you fuller longer. A better choice is some raw nuts like almonds and cashews instead.
 Store–made coffee or tea
Today, we can easily order a latte or cappuccino and top it off with many calorie laden toppings; you name it its usually available. Be careful. More translates to added calories and fat. Size matters also, avoiding drinking a 24-ounce with added toppings for your morning drink or afternoon “coffee break.” Even for the teas, added syrup is equal to added sugar.
Salad dressing
Salads are healthy but, covering it with high calorie salad dressing, is not. The next time you make a salad have the dressing on the side and check the label for hidden sugars i.e. high fructose corn syrup. The “light” salad dressings are packed with sugar, sodium and other additives as well.

Using olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the top of your greens makes a big difference. Your body will thank you later.
Pretzels & Corn chips
We often opt for pretzels over potato chips because they contain less fat and are less salty. Most pretzels are made with enriched white flour, which converts to sugar in your bloodstream — not good for you!

It doesn’t matter whether its corn chips or pretzels, it’s generally the same. Just not healthy for you in the long run.
As consumers, the only real defense against buying into supposedly healthy or fat-free foods is due diligence. Read labels and pay attention — it could save your waistline and you will enjoy a longer life.
New information is available on other websites. I make no claims that this information is the most up to date. Please do further research for yourself.